ISBN: 9789830683782
Tahun Terbit: 2010
Harga: RM 30.00 / 35.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)
Kategori: Sastera, Novel, Sastera Kebangsaan (Bahasa Asing)
Release Me Back to the Sea (Volume III) is the continuation of Release Me Back to the Sea (Volume I and II) that were first published in Malay in 1981 and 1982. This volume concludes the story of Kazman, his family and other characters from Kazman’s pre-independence childhood who played his or her part in shaping the nation.
This novel also brings into focus the backwardness and economic hardship of rural folk, due to lack of education, poor health, and bad infrastructure. However, through the efforts of leaders like Tun Abdul Razak and Aminuddin Baki, the rural dwellers become aware of their responsibilities towards their family, their people and their country.